Integrated Church Management System

ICMS – Integrated Church Management System. ICMS is developed to address the needs of a parish by providing a secure online environment for facilitating the activities of the parish community. The system provides for a hierarchical access to the various modules, as authorised by the rules of the parish , along with the ability to document details of the same for future reference.

ICMS is intended to help the Parish Priest and Church Administration to meet the needs of the laity in a timely and efficient manner and to improve the level of engagement of parishioners near and far with the daily church activities.



Parishioners form the core any parish. It’s vital to serve each member’s needs individually – and that is difficult to do without the right systems and practices. The module facilitates efficient management of the church members and ensure that the members are able to connect, network, engage and collaborate effectively.


Integrated Church Management System manage and store details of catechism activities in a church just like in a school. The stored data can be easily accessed by teachers and students. The system also provides advanced search options to filter data for ones needs.


Every church has number of pious organizations & institutions  working  under their management. ICMS proposes an organization module to manage these organizations, their members & their activities. It also has galleries to add photos of all the events & activities conducted in these organizations.


ICMS  integrates  the most convenient way to communicate with the church members and inform them about the upcoming events and programs through the ‘Events Calendar’. Events Calendar is a very helpful module that allows you to easily create and manage upcoming events and show notifications directly on the church website. The history of all the details of the event calendar is stored to maintain record of all the event activities.


This module is supplementary of Event calendar and is mainly aimed for the various participative events of the church where registration is necessary. We can create participative events with or without registration. It is very easy to register member from church directory. We can assign leaders/moderators or judges for managing these events and are given provisions to enter marks of the participants.


The family units form most vibrant subset of a parish.  The leader of the small community is responsible for organizing the gathering for prayers, cultural events or for social functions in order to grow the families in spiritual and social life. ICMS will facilitate the family unit activities.


Leadership module allow us to create all the committees in the church. The members can be added to the various committees and an option to set committee roles for the  members  are also included.


This module is to schedule church’s Holy Services, other activities and assign church member’s duty on respective days. Auto reminders for the church members who has assigned duties. We can also provide notifications on the scheduled Holy Masses and all other Holy Sacraments. Availability of priest, baptism, marriage, funeral and other special services at the church.


The module helps in generating various important certificates for the church members such as membership, conduct, marriage, Holy Communion and baptism certificates. Provision to download the produced certificates as pdf is also included in this module. The certificates ones issued is stored with each member profile and can be retrieved from anywhere.


ICMS proposes social forum module to create numerous forums as required in the church. Most commonly seen social forums in the church are alumni forms, youth forums and kid’s forums. The module is completely flexible and the features can be customized.


Job Desk is a special portal for the job seekers in the church. Employer can be a church member or an outsider. This job desk provides all facilities like other job portals. Employer should register with the church’s job portal to advertise about the job availabilities.


The matrimony module gives an opportunity to find the best partners from the same church or other parishes. This matrimony section is only for church members. The module is integrated with all the features as most popular matrimony sites


Large-community churches may have so many choir groups and many members in it. It can be difficult to manage choir groups in such situations and to announce their schedules on their respective days . ICMS proposes this module to manage many choir groups.


The Blood bank module will keep a record of the members who are willing to donate blood. We can get the details of the donors such as their blood group, contact number and address when required. Organ is a gift anyone can give. It has no cost, and it can be tremendously powerful. We can save a life by donating an organ. This Organ Bank module will keep a record of the members who are willing to donate their organs to the needy.

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